Monday, May 16

Finalement arrivé....

After living on my to-do list for 4 months, my travel blog finally exists in real life. The first chunk of my trip is almost over so it's about time. Very quickly, here's a photo from each month I've spent in Angers. More to come! 

Janvier - Carousel at Place de Raliment, a beautiful square in the center. They took it down a couple weeks after I arrived.

Février - L'étang Saint-Nicolas behind the dorms, a sort of long pond. Perfect for lazy Sunday walks. It's full of green and water lilies now. 

Mars - A shot from the printmaking studio I have been working out of. The front of the studio is an antique shop. 
Avril - Friends all done up for a birthday. 

Mai - The best view of Angers and the Maine, from atop the Chateau d'Angers.

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