Sunday, May 29

Loire à vélo day 3: Tours, Amboise

On day 3 we packed up camp and headed to our last destinations, Tours and Amboise. We were 15km from Amboise when I got a flat tire. An hour long adventure followed full of life lessons: how to repair a leak, how not to buy a 3 euro bike pump from Carrefour and how to talk bike jargon in French. In the end we lost too much time and had to catch the train to Amboise from Montlouis-sur-Loire. 

We stopped in Tours and looked around a bit. This train station brings back bad memories of being stranded in Tours at 10pm earlier this month.

The usual - double espresso et un verre de glaces 

Final destination

Group shot with our biker shorts. John was too cool for them of course. 
I would be lying if I said the whole trip was lovely. There were sometimes I felt like my butt was going to fall off. But overall, it was amazing and I can't wait to do another trip!

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